Last week in the mail I got a copy of Matthew Mead’s new magazine Upstyled Home! I was soo excited (it’s the little things in life…)
I just love beautiful, glossy magazines about home decor and vintage finds. You can see some of my other favourites here. I didn’t know a lot about this magazine before I got it, but I did know that I am a huge fan of Matthew Mead!
Matthew is a very talented designer and has an amazing gift for staging. His use of colour and vintage finds just make me swoon. Seriously! His pictures are that gorgeous. (and vintage finds make me swoon anyway ♥)So… after patiently waiting to read it until I could fully immerse myself, I finally found time to cozy up with it on Sunday afternoon.And let me tell you, it was worth the wait!
The pictures are seriously beautiful in this magazine. Matthew blends his love of upcycling and vintage pieces to make everything look so unique, lovely and eye-pleasing. Upstyled Home is filled with amazing vintage finds and tips and tricks on how to find them and incorporate them into your home.
I love this page in particular. Not only do I adore vintage paint brushes (although I have a very hard time finding them) but I love the clock made out of an old frame and clock face. I am definitely going to be on the hunt for a old clock face now!!One of my other favourites in the magazine was the sections on Upstyled Pets. Seriously! A pet section. There were all kinds of vintage things that you could put your pet’s food dishes into. That may not sound revolutionary to you, but pet dishes have been the bane of my existence for years.Why?? Because my dog is quirky! He will ONLY eat from this small, vintage, black and white bowl and drink from the 20 year old blue Tupperware bowl. No joke! No matter how many pretty food dishes I buy, he will not use anything but these. And I hate the look of them. They have always driven me crazy. I know it sounds nuts but they do.
So when I read the pages about using vintage items to put your dogs dishes in (and on) I literally did the ” why did I never think of that??”
Brilliant!! Now my pupperoo can keep using his favourite dishes while I can hide them in something unique and a little more appealing to me.
Win win.
Guess what else I’m going to be looking for the next time I’m out at the thrift store…By the time I was done the magazine, I literally wanted to hop in my car and head out to all of my favourite vintage shopping spots. The tips and ideas really got my juices flowing and even as I write this now, I can’t stop thinking about all of the cool things I flagged to hunt for.
If you are looking for a magazine, with gorgeous photos and beautiful vintage finds, to curl up with over the Holidays, I would definitely recommend grabbing a copy of Upstyled Home. It gets two paint brushes up from me for sure!
Matthew Mead generously provided the Upstyled Home magazine for this review but the opinions, thoughts and feelings expressed are genuinely my own.