Goodies From the Dump

One of my favourite things about upcyling and refreshing is hunting for items to use. With so many great things out there, there are usually lots to choose from and so many great goodies in need of a new life.

I tend to gravitate towards vintage items. There is something special about knowing that a certain item has been well-loved and used for years. There is also something to be said for the quality of vintage pieces.

My very, very, very favourtie place to hunt for vintage finds is the dump… yep the dump. Not the dump as in ewe gross you have to pick through the trash but the amazing dump reuse centres that we have in Ontario. (read all about them here and other finds here…) The buildings at the dumpsites where people can place the things they no longer want/need and others can take them… for FREE!

The reuse centres (or stores as we affectionately call them) have been closed for the better part of a year and a half due to covid but they are reopening and boy did I miss them!

In honour of their reopening, I thought I would share some of the treasures I have picked up in the past week…

old metal pot

If you follow my Intsagram stories, you will have seen this amazing metal bucket last week. I can definitely feel another fountain like this one coming on…

old red books

Some beautiful vintage books. If you join me for the Junk Into Gems Challenge (a new one starts today) these may just be a little hint for a future challenge πŸ˜‰

old letter and bill holder

An old bill and letter holder. I think this will be so cool once it has a coat of paint to organize with.

vintage white dishes

Some gorgeous white dishes… because, frankly, who can ever have too many??

vintage pyrex

A cool vintage Pyrex dish and some vintage Christmas wires.

vintage yellow plate and potato masher

Vintage kitchenware; I love yellow and even though I don’t have a lot of it in my home, I am always drawn to it so I can never resist anything vintage and yellow.

old grey jug

I would love to know more about this amazing stone pitcher. There are no makers marks on it and I really can’t even tell its age. It is a beautiful shape and colour though so home it came.

old wooden tray and linens

Vintage linens and a unique wooden tray.

vintage apron

And probably my favourite of all… a handmade vintage apron.

It feels so good to get back to the reuse centres and sort through their treasures. Thankfully there is lots of summer left to check them out again and see what I can find. I love them so much that pretty much everything I used in my book, came from them. If you have not checked it out, you can find it here…

Have a happy Sunday and let me know what cool things you have found for your projects this summer as well!

4 Comments on " Goodies From the Dump "

  1. Lisa

    Wow! Did you ever score!!! Love the white dishes in particular. And the yellow plate.

    1. Lisa

      Thanks so much Beverly! I am in love with the dishes too! I was so excited to find them πŸ™‚

  2. Lisa

    The old bill/letter holder would make a great spice rack!

    1. Lisa

      That’s a great idea! I love the shape of it – it will maximize a small space for sure πŸ˜‰

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