Reclaimed Wood Christmas Tree

Canada in the winter can be a little dreary.  We are having a very snowy year already so despite the fact that it is not even officially winter yet, we have our fair share of snow already.  The snow is very pretty but once in a while it is a nice change to see a pop of colour outside.

With all of the snow already piled up, I thought it would be nice to have a  Christmas tree on one of my  balconies to add a pop of colour.pile scrap, reclaimed woodI searched through my pile of scrap wood and found 6 piece that looked perfect for the tree. piecing-together-wood-scraps-painted-christmas-tree-reclaimedwood-recreateddesignsEach is slightly smaller than the one before.  Luckily I had pieces that worked and I only had to cut two pieces smaller using my [easyazon_link identifier=”B00L47FZ8A” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Rockwell BladeRunner[/easyazon_link]Fusion Mineral paint in Cranberry and BayberryOnce I had the pieces the sizes I wanted, paint came next.  I used [easyazon_link identifier=”B01M10TIXG” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Fusion Mineral Paint in Cranberry[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier=”B01M0DDHUY” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Bayberry[/easyazon_link].  For the lighter green board I mixed a little [easyazon_link identifier=”B00WNCTL2Q” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Picket Fence[/easyazon_link] in with the Bayberry.  adding-trunk-reclaimed-wood-christmas-tree-recreateddesignsTo keep the tree together, I attached a long board to the back of the boards. Make sure it is at least 6 inches longer than the tree so that you have a trunk (and something to stick into the ground or pot).  pre-drill holes before adding screwsWhen using a thin piece of wood (like this reclaimed piece I had from a bookshelf) make sure to pre-drill your holes for the screws.  Pre-drilling the holes will ensure that the wood doesn’t split when you insert the screws.  adding screws to pre-drilled holes to hold wood togetherOnce you have the holes you need, just add screws to hold it all together. Fusion Mineral Painted tree before adding buttons

adding vintage buttons to reclaimed painted woodFinish off the tree with some vintage buttons in browns and cranberry and a wood star on top.reclaimed wood Christmas tree painted with Fusion Mineral Paintsavaged wood turned Christmas tree I love the pretty colours this tree adds to my balcony!  It makes me smile every time I look out there and makes all of the snow feel even prettier.

**Please note that this post includes Affiliate links for products that I have tried and use regularly.  By using the link, it in no way increases the cost of the product to you should you choose to buy.  However, by using the link, a small portion of the sale is given back to me to help fund this blog.**

The paint for this project was generously provided by Fusion Mineral Paint.

Pin for later…turn some scrap wood into a Christmas tree



6 Comments on " Reclaimed Wood Christmas Tree "

    1. Lisa

      Thanks so much Cecilia! I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas πŸ™‚

  1. Lisa

    Oh my gosh, I love the colors! They’re just beautiful. Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday! Pinned πŸ˜‰

    1. Lisa

      Aww Thanks Angie! I just love those colours too and the cranberry is a nice change from all of the red πŸ˜‰

  2. Lisa

    I love this Christmas tree. It has the rustic look we all love and looks so easy to make.

    1. Lisa

      Thanks Debra! It certainly adds a nice little touch of rustic and colour to my balcony. Merry Christmas!

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