How to Make the Details Pop

I love the shape of this mirror!  How often do you get to see a mirror that is not plain old rectangle?
I have to admit, that when I picked up this mirror at a reclaim store I almost missed it.  I actually didn’t see it at all.  The friend I was with pointed it out and when I saw its large size and gorgeous shape I just couldn’t pass it up.  vintage mirror in bad shapeplastic gold vintage mirror cornersDo you see those crazy detailed corners?  They are so lovely and pretty.  Annnd… they come off!  I was super excited when I realized that.

Unfortunately I didn’t remember to take a picture of the mirror until I had already removed 2 of them…Plastic corners painted with Fusion Mineral Paint in Coal BlackTo make the details of those corners really pop and make the piece more modern looking, it only took a little bit of paint and 3 quick steps.  plastic mirror corners painted with Fusion Mineral Paint in Coal BlackStart by painting them black, or any dark colour.

I used [easyazon_link identifier=”B00O2JNZ3Y” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Fusion Mineral Paint in Coal Black[/easyazon_link]. painting and rubbing on Fusion Mineral Paint in SilverMirror corner painted with Fusion Mineral Paint in Coal Black, Silver and PearlNext, paint or rub on some silver metallic paint.  You don’t need to cover all of the black… let some of it peek through.

I used [easyazon_link identifier=”B017OABR4G” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Fusion Mineral Paint Metallics in Silver[/easyazon_link].brushing on Fusion Mineral Paint Metallics in PearlAdding Fusion Mineral Paint Pearl highlightsFinally, with just a hint of a light colour on a stiff brush, just sweep it over the tops of the details.   The light colour will highlight the high points and reflect the light.

I used [easyazon_link identifier=”B017OABR6Y” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Fusion Mineral Paint Metallics in Pearl[/easyazon_link] for the highlighting. beautiful silvers with vintage mirrorWith the combination of a dark undertone, a metallic silver to reflect the light and light touches to finish it off, it is so easy to make details pop.  vintage mirror painted with Fusion Mineral Paint and a beautiful silver cupbeautiful vintage silver cup with flowersvintage plastic mirror corners painted with Fusion Mineral PaintBy making those details pop, it completely turned this mirror into a modern piece that would look amazing in any room.Making the details pop on a vintage mirror with paint

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How to make details pop by using paintThank you to Fusion Mineral Paint for supplying the paint for this project!

**Please note that this post includes Affiliate links, for your convenience, for products that are used in this project that I have tried and use regularly.  By using the link, it in no way increases the cost of the product to you should you choose to buy.  However, by using the link, a small portion of the sale is given back to me to help fund this blog.**

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2 Comments on " How to Make the Details Pop "

  1. Lisa

    Nice transformation.

    1. Lisa

      Thanks Louise! I like it muuuch better than the vintage gold 😉

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