A HUGE Announcement – The Recreated Designs Pattern Shop

I am so, so, so excited to be able to tell you that the Recreated Designs Pattern Shop is officially open!

If you have ever wanted to take a sign class with me but are too far away or just make your own signs at home, you can now find all of my sign patterns online!

Recreated Designs Pattern shop


In the Recreated Designs Pattern Shop you will find all of the previous class sign patterns, as well as many, many more for every season and style and they, couldn’t be easier to use!

Just pick out your sign pattern and purchase (small patterns are $6 CND and large ones are $8 CND – currently that’s about $4.40 and $6.90 USD)  and then you will then receive an email almost instantly with your pattern and you are ready to go.

Once you receive your pattern, it’s as simple as 1,2,3…


Download the pattern

Print it

Transfer it 


To find out the two easiest, quickest, and most inexpensive ways to transfer patterns, you can check out the directions here… 

transferring a Recreated Designs pattern using chalk

And… there will always be a very special FREE pattern for you in the shop!  You can find it here… It’s just my way of saying thank you for your love, support, and awesome creative inspiration over the years!

In the shop, you will also find other special sections a well that includes Pro Tips and Tricks and several ways for you to get a code for an additional free pattern.

I can’t wait to see what you create!  Be sure to send a picture of your new sign or home decor item to [email protected].

Happy creating ♥


2 Comments on " A HUGE Announcement – The Recreated Designs Pattern Shop "

  1. Lisa

    What an exciting adventure, Lisa! I am so excited for you and proud of you too. I know how hard you work and it’s so much fun to watch you pour so much love and creativity into each project. Hugs, CoCo

    1. Lisa

      Aww Coco thank you so much! Your support always means so much <3 It is a fun adventure and I am so excited to be able to share all of what we make in my classes with those who don't live close by.

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