What Can You Do With a Salvaged Door?

  I am super excited to join an amazing group of bloggers each month for a project challenge and this month our challenge was to do something with a door.

This group is right up my alley because it is no secret that I love to find things that seem like they are ready for the trash and turn them into something cool.

This project was no exception!

reclaimed kitchen cabinet door and wood piecesI found this old door at a local salvage store and it was the perfect size to make a kitchen chalkboard.   It fit the bill of being a door so I grabbed it up with this project in mind. reclaimed kitchen cabinet door before diy project

I began by removing all of the hardware.

filling the holes on a cabinet door to make a chalkboard Then filled the holes with a [easyazon_link identifier=”B000BPLXEQ” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]quick drying hole filler[/easyazon_link].

painted a cabinet door with Homestead House Paint in LaurentienThe frame got two coats of Homestead House Milk Paint in Laurentien.  I have always been a blue lover and this shade is about as perfect as it gets!

Rustoleum chalkbaord paint on a cabinet door Once the outside of the door and back was painted, I gave the inside three coats of [easyazon_link identifier=”B0006BAEI6″ locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Rustoleum Chalkboard Paint[/easyazon_link] in Black.

seasoning a chalkboard before writing on itThe Rustoleum Chalkboard paint needs to cure for 3 days before you can write on it.  Once it is fully cured, I rubbed a piece of chalk all over it to season it.  Seasoning it will prevent the chalk from leaving permanent marks when you write.  (You can see this process here as well…)

chippy milk paint on a chalkboardA little sanding to distress the paint and my new kitchen chalkboard was ready for use!

a little rusty bird sitting next to chalk blooms pretty blue milk paint and a rusty bird

kitchen cabinet door made into a chalkboard

I can’t wait until next month when the challenge is to turn a pallet into something amazing!  My mind is already whirling with the possibilities πŸ˜‰

kitchen cabinet door turned diy chalkboard painted with Homestead House Milk Paint in Laurentien


I wanted to make a chalkboard that also had a vintage look to it and here were the results…You can see the black on the right and the vintage green on the left.  To make the vintage green, I mixed two parts of [easyazon_link identifier=”B01GWBMOZY” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint in Artissimo[/easyazon_link] with three parts [easyazon_link identifier=”B01GWBLSEC” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Boxwood[/easyazon_link].

rustic chalkboards

I love how the vintage green one turned out!  It reminds me of my school days with the big, green chalkboards.

Be sure to hop over and visit the other inspiring projects by my blogger friends!

Emily at Domestic Deadline
Nancy at Slightly Coastal
Michelle from Shelstring
Karen from Somewhat Quirky Design

Pin for later… 

Turning a salvaged cabinet door into a chalkboard

**Please note that this post includes Affiliate links for your convenience.  All links are for products that I have tried and use regularly.  By using the link, it in no way increases the cost of the item to you.  However, by using the link, a small portion of the sale is given back to help fund this blog.**

2 Comments on " What Can You Do With a Salvaged Door? "

  1. Lisa

    Looks great! I end up with doors like that all the time from renovating kitchens and bathrooms. I always want to do something like this, but my project list is so long hubby keeps telling me I can’t keep them, lol!

    1. Lisa

      Thanks so much Emily and I can’t only imagine!! That sounds like my project list and I always have so many things I want to make πŸ˜‰

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