Turn a Dingy, Dirty Vintage Buffet into a Stunning Sideboard

I have been searching for the perfect piece of furniture for one of my Living Room walls for quite some time.  I knew I wanted something that would provide storage, was old and cheap!  Not too tall of an order right?! vintage buffet Well, I finally found what I was looking for this past winter.  It’s perfect!  Large, but not too big… has great storage including a nice big drawer… and at $20, the price couldn’t have been better! missing trim on a vintage buffetThere was quite a bit of damage to the old buffet, like missing trim… damaged veneer on a vintage buffeetand a damaged top.  beautiful vintage hardware on old buffetBut, there is was so much good that there was no way I was passing it up… like these gorgeous tin pulls.  reattaching trim on a vintage buffetSome of the missing trim was in the drawer so it was an easy repair with a [easyazon_link identifier=”B001NN5T22″ locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]little wood glue[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier=”B00CPSJCB8″ locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]a few clamps[/easyazon_link].  sanding down the veneer on the top of a vintage buffetI wanted a natural top for my new-to-me buffet so sanded the old finish off.  The top was veneer so I was careful not to sand down too far.  Homestead House Hemp Oil used to revive old veneer on a buffet topOnce the old finish was sanded off, the wood was very dry.  Two coats of [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HYPVLY2″ locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Homestead House Hemp Oil[/easyazon_link] and the wood was gorgeous.  I absolutely love how the top looks with just the Hemp Oil.  It is very reminiscent of a beautiful Swedish buffet.  Cream Ironstone and old books sit on wood buffet topThe old tin hardware was so incredible that I didn’t consider for a minute not reusing it.  vintage hardware reclaimed for updated sideboardThe remainder of the outside of the vintage buffet was painted with two coats of [easyazon_link identifier=”B01MCS0EMJ” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Fusion Mineral Paint in Plaster[/easyazon_link]. Fusion Mineral Paint in Plaster on a vintage buffetPlaster is a creamy, milky, off-white.  I am so in love with this colour.  It looks incredible with the Homestead House Milk Paint I used on my dining tablecutom mix of Fusion Mineral Paint in Midnight Blue and Raw Silk inside of a vintage buffetWith the outside of the buffet looking like an old Swedish style piece, I made a custom mix in blue for the inside.  the inside of a vintage buffet painted a cutom mix of Fusion Mineral PaintThe striking blue was a mix of [easyazon_link identifier=”B01M0P103G” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Fusion Mineral Paint in Midnight Blue[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier=”B01M0DDG4M” locale=”US” tag=”recredesig20-20″]Raw Silk[/easyazon_link].  vintage buffet drawer filled with decoupaged old letters and cardsSince this piece is staying in my home (and I plan on having it for a VERY long time) I wanted to do something extra-special with it. Drop back on Tuesday next week and I will share how I turned the drawer into an heirloom.  beautiful Ironstone on old books

Ironstone soup tureen pre-war Japan on a buffet topold dirty, buffet recreated with Fusion Mineral Paint in Plaster This piece turned out even better than I could have imagined.  I could not love this buffet any more!  It is absolutely perfect for the space and my home.  ♥

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Transoform an old buffet with Fusion Mineral Paint in Plaster


**Please note that this post includes affiliate links for your convenience.  All links are for products that I have tried and use regularly.  By using the link, it in no way increases the cost of the item to you.  However, by using the link, a small portion of the sale is given back to help fund this blog.**

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6 Comments on " Turn a Dingy, Dirty Vintage Buffet into a Stunning Sideboard "

  1. Lisa

    I think buffets are one of my favorite pieces to makeover, they are just so versatile! Yours came out fabulous Lisa, you can never go wrong with white! Thanks so much for sharing it at #FridaysFurnitureFix !

    1. Lisa

      Oh I couldn’t agree more Brenda… I love buffets! You can do so much with them. Thanks for taking the time to stop by πŸ˜‰

  2. Lisa

    Lisa, this is the perfect piece for your home! πŸ˜€ Look how lovely it looks with your chair. And that pop of blue? Awesome! Enjoy! Cynthia

    1. Lisa

      Aww thanks so much Cynthia! I am absolutely loving it more than anything for a long time πŸ˜‰ Hope your week is off to a great start!!

  3. Lisa

    What a beautiful upcycle, love your work!

    1. Lisa

      Thanks so much Louise! You are always so sweet <3

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