Creativity During Stressful Times

The world seems a little like it is falling apart the past couple of weeks and it has been incredibly stressful for so many of us. Here in Ottawa, we are pretty much on social distancing overdrive and home confinement. So much has happened that each day has felt like a year and yet it feels like time is standing still.

pocket watch and world map

The unprecedented stress that we are seeing and feeling right now can take a toll on our mind, body, and spirit and I know I have been feeling it like so many others. It is at times like these though that creativity and nurturing our spirit are even more important for our wellbeing and mental health than ever. Not only can creativity help us to find some semblance of normalcy in the chaos but keeping our minds and bodies active will greatly help in reducing stress and anxiety.

paint brushes

I want to encourage each of you to find something creative to work on while you are at home. Find something new that you have been wanting to try, dig out some old craft supplies that never got used, or think of a way to turn something old into something new. Whatever you choose, it will keep your mind and body active and turn your thoughts towards something positive.

I know I needed to be reminded of these things today and imagine maybe some of you do too. With the initial stress of the pandemic and all that it encompasses settling in, it is more important than ever to support each other and find ways to be creative.

holding hands thogether

Please know that if you feel alone in all of this or need to feel a sense of community around you, I am here for you. And I mean that with all of my heart! If you want to share a project, get advice or just need to chat, you can email me any time at [email protected] or message me on Facebook here… 

Together we will get through this.
Together we will create beautiful things.
Together we will make the world a better place.

let's get creative

Here are some things I will be working on while I’m at home…

I have collaborated with an amazing Swedish company called Photowall and will be putting up one of their incredible murals in my master bedroom. (you can follow this project on my Instagram feed here…)

I will be finishing the final edits on my book… it was due to come out this Spring but it feels only right to delay it a little now with everything going on.

I will be painting a dresser and adding some IOD molds to it.

Those are only a few of the things I will be working on and I am hoping that each project will feed my creativity and keep my mind and body busy.

And here is something I want to do for you…

I have reduced all of the patterns in the Recreated Designs Pattern shop from $8 to $2 each, no matter what their size. I hope this small gesture will allow you to try something new. You can find all the directions on how to use them as well as pictures and projects over at the shop. So… look around your home and find an old door, mirror or simple scrap of wood and create something beautiful for your space.

Recreated Designs Pattern Shop Badge

Stay well my friends and let’s get creative together 💙

2 Comments on " Creativity During Stressful Times "

  1. Lisa

    I’m finding some time to get back into blogging on the weekends finally which is nice. I’m still working as lawyers are on the Ontario gov’s “essential list” for now but my work has slowed somewhat so not everything is all urgently needing to be rushed anymore as it was a few weeks ago, which allows me to work a little on my blog & blog marketing again. It’s become my creative outlet in a way, that is, putting together pictures and writing.

    1. Lisa

      That’s wonderful that you are able to get back to it… even a bit Virginia! These are such unprecedented times that anything creative and positive we can do is so helpful to us all. Keep up the fantastic work and as a fellow Ontario resident thank you for working during this stressful time!

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